The startup expertist is a cloud-based source-to-contract platform for purchasing consulting services. With us, you can easily search for the right consultants and also combine the offers of your established service providers on one platform.
In this way, you take advantage of the competition
and can use bidding procedures and eAuctions for automated negotiations.
Scrum Master
Change Management
Expertist facilitates your work and accompanies you in a structured manner during the entire consulting process.
Expertist helps you to choose the appropriate negotiation mechanism and automatically conducts the desired negotiation for you.
With expertist, a proper award as well as observance of the rule for bogus self-employment are no longer a problem for you.
Create high competition and negotiate with bidding procedures and eAuctions. Our game theoretical algorithm will even suggest the optimal negotiation method for you. Our game theory algorithm even suggests the optimal negotiation method for this.
You can use expertist for recruiting or request your own service provider.
Combine the offerings of established and new service providers on one platform.
The total costs of purchasing and using consultants can be drastically reduced with expertist at various levels.
Cost reduction with expertist by 10-20 compared to established intermediaries
Optimum use of competition through dynamic online negotiations.
High degree of automation of communication results in significantly reduced time spent in purchasing and department.
expertist is a cloud-based source-to-contract platform for purchasing consulting services. Listen to our story to learn more about the features Expertist offers our customers and make an appointment to meet in person to answer any further questions.
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The digital assistant for the purchase of consulting services.
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